Donate to the work of restoring our Constitution and our freedoms
Charles’ political campaign for President is over. He came in second in seeking the nomination of the Constitution Party for President of the United States. However, his work continues, as you can see on this website.
We hope you will use the information on this website to become better informed about Progressivism and all the problems Progressivism has caused in this country. We must better educate ourselves if we are to have any hope of successfully defending our freedoms and our Constitution.
Please donate to this work. Contributions are not tax-deductible. Your donations help fund Charles’ research, his speaking engagements, and his travel all across the country as he tries to raise awareness about out perilous situation and what we can do to move America back to the Constitutional path intended by our Founding Fathers.
For your donation you may receive copies of Charles’ books. We offer The Patriot’s Guide to Taking America Back and Will You Help Save Your Country here for $12.79 each, including shipping. Just send a note with your donation and tell us which of those books you would like.
NOTE, 20 November 2020: Our fundraising account has not yet been activated. To make a contribution or to order one or more books, please send a check (personal checks are fine) to us at this address:
Charles Kraut 251 Alpine Drive Lexington, VA 24450
We can also accept credit cards, but are hesitant to request information about your credit card (Name on card, card number, expiration date, 3-character (4 for American Express) code, and your Zip code) due to the huge amount of cybercrime and credit card theft taking place today.
Thank you!