The Progressive/Marxist Assault on Education
For decades the Marxists (who often call themselves Progressives to confuse the rest of us) have been working not-so-quietly behind the scenes to destroy American public education. Beginning with John Dewey, who imported four German Marxists into the United States in the 1920s with that goal in mind, they and those who succeeded them have had astonishing success.
The United States not too long ago was rated #1 in the world for both public education and university education. CalTech, for instance, was voted the best university in the world three years in a row.
K-12 students in the United States used to be taught all the essential virtues; morality, decency, fair dealing, integrity, good citizenship, and faith in God. They also received a good background in the sciences, the arts, and correct history. They were taught that America was a great nation because of our Constitution, our belief in God, and our work ethic. They were taught that a person could accomplish whatever heor she wanted if they were willing to work hard to achieve it.
Most of that is long gone. Bibles are prohibited in just about every public school in the country; a teacher can be fired for putting one on his or her desk. On the other hand, Korans are welcome. Children are taught the wonders of Islam; they dress up as terrorists, they memorize and recite Islamic prayers, and eat foods blessed by the imams.
Because children are expected to be sexually active, sex education and gender confusion are now taught as early as kindergarten. Abstinence is out; abortion, sexual freedom, women’s reproductive rights, and homosexuality are mainstream in public education today. The classics and most foreign languages are gone, as is most factually-based history. Many American history textbooks devote whole chapters to celebrities like Madonna, while spending only a paragraph or two on America’s founding. Of course, the children are taught that America is a democracy, something it never has been and, we should pray, will never be.
I personally witnessed this degradation of American public schools several years ago when I was invited to address three American history classes in our local high school about the Constitution. As I always do, I spoke the truth. The principal’s daughter was in the third class, and when the bell rung she was out the door headed to Daddy’s office to have him fire the teacher for bringing in someone like me. She had been carefully indoctrinated from childhood in falsehoods and half-truths.
As you might expect. America has plummeted in international rankings for public education, which is a national disgrace considering how much we spend each year per student. We now find ourselves in 20th-40th place among the countries of the world in K-12 education. The American people have been successfully “dumbed down” for three full generations. We now witness heart-rending interviews with high school seniors and college freshman who cannot find the United States on a map of the world, nor know which countries border ours. Many are functionally illiterate and/or innumerate (that is, they can’t do math anywhere near their grade level).
As it happens, K-12 education was just the beginning. Universities like Harvard, once famous for academics, now treats its undergraduates to graduate student teachers instead of regular faculty for most otf their four years. Academic standards have been lowered and “grade inflation” is rampant. Most important, Harvard, like most colleges and universities in the US, has become a bastion of political correctness. Free speech was long ago tossed out the window. If you believe in free speech there are very few places you would want to go for a bachelor’s degree today.
The next step of the Progressive assault on education has begun. Now that most public schools have been turned into indoctrination camps, the Progressives want to ensure that every child in America is fully indoctrinated in the “glory” of Marxism, along with all the falsehoods they hand down as truth. This cannot happen as long as millions of American children are homeschooled or attend private schools.
To do this the Progressives have begun their campaign of defaming homeschooling and lying about its benefits. They are also continuing their campaign against organized religion (except for Islam), working hard to exclude people of faith from any participation in the public square. Because religion is bad, they say, schools run by organized religion must also be bad. Over the next several years they will provide sufficient lies about homeschooling and private schools to turn our leaders against them.
These campaigns will follow the typical Progressive pattern;
- Take advantage of a crisis or create one when none is at hand.
- Engage in a massive campaign of lies and disinformation to create a totally false picture of the “crisis.”
- Appear publicly – through lobbying, op=ed pieces, recruiting CNN and other major media outlets, and demonizing local leaders who fail to action to resolve the “crisis” – to make people feel ashamed that they have supported such dangerous ideas and institutions.
- Create a false vocabulary of hijacked words and newly invented, meaningless terms, and use them in as many public discussions as possible.
- Create the impression that the crisis is real, and that there are no other possible solutions than those offered by the Progressives.
- Lobby, bribe, and/or blackmail politicians into taking a position favoring the Progressivies’ “solution” to the crisis.
- Create a group or class of “victims” who are “harmed” by this crisis. For instance, make the claim that black children in inner cities are harmed and are victims because their parents cannot afford to put them into private schools or homeschool them. That, they will say is unfair. It isn’t “social justice.”
- Get legislation passed to “resolve the crisis.” Naturally, implementing the solutions will seize power for the Progressives and give them ammunition for attacking the next “crisis” they invent. It will bring government funding to this and additional Progressive activities, all of them designed to destroy the United States.
- When legislators fail to take the bait / bribe / threat, use the courts as a go-around and get Progressive judges to mandate action by governments. Choose the courts carefully to ensure the desired outcome.
Truly, it will be exactly as Nikita Khruschev stated: “We will bury you.” He was referring to America’s decline, which he believed would come about as we abandoned our principles and our morality. He didn’t mention that the international Marxist movement would assist our decline, but that was how Marxists operated then. Nothing has changed except that the Marxists/Progressives have swept the landscape with one victory after another, to the point where the fall of America is all but a fait accompli.
For more information, please see the articles Harvard on Homeschooling and Homeschooling Risks on this website under the Articles by Others tab.
For a more recent article, please click here: Christian Schools must abandon beliefs
What will you do to help stop this onslaught? There is still time if we act together and we act now.
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