4th Quarter 2020
Charles W. Kraut
No, it’s not who you think. If you recall the 4th Quarter 2016 issue of Wealth Creation and Preservation, the two dreadful choices then were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I’m sure that like many Americans you think I’m going to talk about the bumbling, egotistical, incompetent Donald Trump versus career political hack and head of a crime family Joe Biden. No. Those two are almost irrelevant in what may be coming.
Faint praise
“I come to bury [Trump], not to praise him.” That paraphrase from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar sums up my feelings about him. I am pleased to report that Trump has some major accomplishments under his belt, including re-negotiating numerous trade agreements that were damaging to America. He has done numerous other worthwhile things that the media have deliberately failed to mention, and that is unfortunate.
On the other hand, Trump is a man who fails to take advice, speaks [poorly] off the cuff, tweets incessantly about whatever comes into his head, has little or no understanding of the Constitution, and is struggling against forces about which he hasn’t a clue. He promised that America would never be a Socialist nation - and then signed into law the most utterly Socialistic piece of legislation in American history, the infamous CARES Act.
Sleepy Joe Biden, on the other hand, is a confessed extortionist, and has utilized his family to obtain enormous sums from the likes of Ukraine and China. It’s probably a good thing that Obama gave Biden responsibility for only those two countries, though Biden managed to damage our relations with both - and failed to stand up to the Chinese at every opportunity.
No, I’m not concerned about those two. There is a slim chance that Trump will be re-elected, but only if he can overcome the massive election fraud the Democrats are implementing as I write this. He also needs to overcome the new, largest voting bloc in the US, the Millennials. Most of these youngsters have been thoroughly indoctrinated in our public schools with the Progressive narrative. Among other things, the Narrative proclaims that there is only one way to think about things, and that anyone who doesn’t think that way must be deprived of liberty and even life.
A large majority of the Millennials agree that socialism, about which they know absolutely nothing, is superior in every respect to capitalism, about which they likewise know nothing. In anticipation of this major change in the wind of political thought, Progressives, Communists, and Marxists have been coming out of the closet to declare their readiness to complete America’s destruction and to put a finish to every remaining shred of freedom we still enjoy. We are seeing people’s own true colors, though a careful analysis would have quickly revealed their utter dishonesty and corruption long ago. It did for me, anyway. . . .
Who are the Two Dreadful Choices in 2020?
If you have been watching only the mainstream news you may not have heard what I am about to say. The mainstream media have become terribly proficient as the Ministry of Propaganda and Revisionist History, and they have carefully misled the American people in many things.
The two dreadful choices in the 2020 election are:
Kamala Harris, junior US Senator from California, and
Nancy Pelosi, current Speaker of the House
How is this possible, since neither of them is running for President? The answer is simple, but the explanation is a little complicated.
Kamala Harris
This is a woman on a mission. Like many women in positions of power, Harris has fought to demonstrate that she can be every bit as corrupt as a man, and perhaps even more so. Please do a Google search on her (or, rather, a DuckDuckGo search, since you might not find much truth on Google these days). I’m only going to mention two strikes against her serving in any elective office in the United States.
1. Harris’ father Donald J. Harris, is a lifelong Marxist, specifically hired by Stanford University to teach Marxism and “alternative economics.” Though Donald and his wife divorced when Kamala was seven, he continued to have a significant influence over her.
This is not to say that Kamala is a Marxist herself. It’s difficult to label someone who seems to change her opinions as frequently as she changes her clothes. However, she seems to be completely in favor of the single-payer health care system, a Progressive policy that can only lead to health care for none. If that is a sample - and it would be a short step to that conclusion - we may safely assume that she is on board with the Democratic / Progressive / Marxist program that will replace our Constitution and make America a totalitarian state.
In 2019 Kamala Harris was named by GovTrack as the “most liberal compared to All Senators.” That distinction speaks volumes in a body that includes Chuck Schumer.
2. There are a few famous incidents in Harris’ career that say a lot about her character and, perhaps, her willingness to “sell her soul” for political gain. From the Sacramento Bee:
“In February, California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered new DNA testing in the 1983 murder case of Kevin Cooper. Cooper came within hours of execution in 2004 after being charged with the murders of an adult couple and two children. Harris opposed the testing when she was the state’s attorney general.
“She has since said she supports DNA testing and encouraged Newsom to approve Cooper’s clemency request. She did not offer specifics on why she did not approve the testing during her tenure.
“In response to a request for comment, Harris’s campaign pointed to a past statement where the senator called a New York Times columnist last year, telling him, “I feel awful about this.”
“The Bee also noted that another claim against Harris - this time, by former vice president Joe Biden - that a federal judge freed 1,000 inmates after it discovered that a San Francisco crime lab had misused evidence, and that then-District Attorney Harris had failed to reveal that the evidence had possibly been tainted.
“That, too, was true.
“The Washington Post recalled earlier this year: “[I]t was revealed in March 2010 that Harris and her staff had not informed defense lawyers that evidence from the police-run crime lab might have been tainted. A judge ruled in May 2010 that Harris had failed to inform defendants as required by law. Harris said … she took responsibility and made ‘no excuses’ for the failure.”
So why is Kamala Harris one of our “two dreadful choices?
Because Joe Biden clearly has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease or some other mental impairment that makes him completely unfit to serve in public office. It was thought by some that he would step down during the Democratic Convention, but his handlers did not permit that. It now seems, to this observer and others, that if Biden wins the election a discovery will be made about his mental competence sometime before January 20, 2021. If Biden steps down, the Vice-President-elect becomes President. Say hello to President Harris . . .
Nancy Pelosi, the other dreadful choice
Why would I bring up Nancy Pelosi as a Presidential possibility? Because of the huge efforts the Democrats are making to steal the election. Once again, if you listen to and watch only the mainstream media you are getting none of the story. You must go to places like Judicial Watch, and you used to go to the Heritage Foundation. The latter source, however, has now itself become somewhat tainted and unreliable.
If the 2020 election is contested and no clear winner can be declared, Nancy Pelosi becomes the interim President of the United States. A committed Progressive and enemy of the Constitution, Pelosi is a national disgrace who unfortunately shares power with many of her ilk.
As is true for all Progressives, Pelosi feels free to use the Constitution as a club when it suits her – even though she has hardly ever followed it during most of the career. Here is a recent quote from the woman I call “Queen Pelosi:”
“We have a responsibility. We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the American people. That is — when we weigh the equities of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quiver.”
A democracy? Read your job description, Nancy. Read the Pledge of Allegiance. Read the solemn oath you swore to decades ago. America is not now and, I pray, will never be, a democracy.
When was the last time you defended the Constitution of the United States? In reviewing your lengthy career I can see hundreds of instances when you proposed and supported unconstitutional and anti-constitutional legislation, and many occasions when you hindered the constitutional processes of government. I am hard pressed to find a single instance when you actually defended the Constitution - despite all your grandstanding and acting in bad faith.
How do you steal an election?
Let’s look at the steps already in place. Note that there is abundant detailed information available on the Judicial Watch website, for that organization has been heavily involved in the voter fraud problem for many years.
1. The Democrats are making the false claim that President Trump will have to be driven out of the White House by force because he will not relinquish his title if he disagrees with the election results.
Think about that for a moment. If Trump were to do such a thing he would invalidate just about everything he has accomplished in four years in the White House. Such an action will severely damage our relations with both our allies and our enemies, and sow confusion into the world political situation. It would also be a significant contributor to economic instability all over the world.
2. Control the ballots. The Democrats have been experimenting with numerous voting methods going back long before the famous “hanging chad” incident in Florida during the Bush/Gore campaign. Even though prominent Democrats claim that there has never been an instance of voter fraud, almost 2,000 cases have been successfully prosecuted in the past few decades. Sometimes, some of the votes are hidden away and not “discovered” until the election has been settled. Sometimes, the voting machines are set up to register a vote for the Democrat regardless of the choice(s) made by the individual voter. Sometimes absentee ballots are mishandled or manipulated to increase or decrease their usefulness in determining the outcome.
There are many other ways to affect the outcome of an election. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries it was not uncommon for one political party to have a man with a cask of whiskey just outside the polling place. Now, however, the Democrats have found a surefire method that involves the US Postal Service. . . .
Mail-in ballots and illegal alien voters
The Trump campaign is currently urging all Republicans to request absentee ballots. This is an inappropriate tactic, because a voter must swear to his or her unavailability to go to their polling place on Election Day in order to qualify to vote absentee. In this election the tactic is being used as a foil to a Democrat conspiracy.
I saw a video on this, and it went viral. The video is narrated by a woman who is a registered Republican and who is married to a registered Democrat. They both received their mail-in ballots, and a quick comparison revealed something very interesting.
Each return envelope had on the outside a code number of about a dozen digits. Right in the middle of this number was a letter. That letter was an “R” in the mailing sent to the registered Republican and - you guessed it - a “D” in the mailing sent to the registered Democrat. The response to this has been that such designations are only used for Primary ballots, and then only in nine states. However, with millions of illegal aliens and convicted felons currently serving time voting in 2020, and with the Millennials now the largest voting bloc, the likelihood of a sharply contested election is very high. Without a clear winner (and/or a clear and swift decision by the US Supreme Court, which is unlikely) we might just say hello to Interim President Pelosi . . .
Note: Several states have passed and signed into law legislation permitting illegal aliens to vote, which is clearly unconstitutional. Several states have created legislation that permits convicted felons currently serving time to vote. This will disrupt the political balance in areas all over the country, including Virginia, which passed such a law. Some states have eliminated all requirements for a voter to identify him- or herself at the polling place. This will inevitably lead to multiple votes by individuals, voting from the cemetery, and many other heinous and devious practices that should always be illegal and punishable.
What is the value of citizenship if we permit millions of people to enter our country illegally and then shower them with free education, free housing, free medical benefits, free welfare checks, free cell phones, drivers licenses, and so much more, and then we enfranchise them and give them the single most important and exclusive privilege of the American citizen, the vote? Doesn’t this action diminish the value of citizenship in favor of those who violate our laws? American citizens must pay taxes to the IRS on their income regardless of where in the world they live. What could possibly motivate Congress or state legislatures to give preferential treatment to illegal aliens or to eliminate all ID requirements?
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