A fight we can win
By Charles W. Kraut
21 December 2021
At this time of year most of us turn our thoughts to Christmas or other religious holidays. That puts us at a big disadvantage relative to the Progressives, who never pause their assault on our freedom and our Constitution. However, our observance of old traditions like Christmas and Thanksgiving is beneficial because it helps us remember who we are, and what life in these United States is supposed to be all about.
2021 has been the year in which resistance has commenced in earnest against the Progressive movement. I applaud the efforts of thousands of Americans who have gotten involved in one of the most important battles we will ever face. For over a century, conservatives, Republicans, Constitutionists, and others on the “right” have written, discussed, and debated the numerous Progressive attacks on us, but literally nothing has been accomplished. No Progressive trends have been halted, much less reversed. The Progressives (the Democratic Party, the Communist Party USA, the Socialist Party, and others) have won every battle they fought. It is time to change that.
In 2021 the Progressives went “a bridge too far” and provoked a backlash that is just beginning to grow. The Progressives, flush with countless victories, incorrectly assumed that after they had corrupted our government, our bureaucracies, our universities, our churches, our families, and our schools they would have a free hand in indoctrinating our children in pure, godless Marxism.
It’s difficult to write about America’s demise, but Americans have been asleep at the switch for generations, and we are paying a heavy price for our failure to defend our freedom. If we don’t wake up now and fulfill our responsibilities as citizens, our country will soon be lost. For many months I have felt that we had already been “pushed off the cliff” by the Progressives, and at best we can only slow our fall. That may no longer be the case.
The “bridge too far” I refer to is, of course, Critical Race Theory (CRT), a disinformation campaign derived from Marxist doctrine that is worthy of a Lenin – or a Goebbels. CRT is designed to weaken our families, our schools, our military, our government, and our economy. This campaign has spread faster than COVID-19 throughout the United States. What is CRT, and why is it so bad?
Following is in excerpt of what AMAC Magazine had to say in an article entitled Critical Race Theory: Seven Hard Truths:
I encourage you to find the rest of the article in the August 2021 (Volume 15, Issue 4) edition of the AMAC Magazine.
What, then, is CRT? It is another in a very long series of false narratives created and promoted by the Progressive movement. As you may recall, the most important of these false narratives is found in Progressivism’s two primary tenets, as discussed by Matthew Spalding in his excellent book We Still Hold These Truths:
1. There is no truth, and
2. Everything must be viewed in its historical context, which is to say that white men 200 years ago who wore funny wigs and owned slaves couldn’t possibly teach us anything about how we should live our lives today, The same is true for every civilization in human history; we are on our own and can learn nothing from those who have gone before.
As I have extensively written over the past several years, these false narratives have replaced truth almost everywhere in the United States, including our media, our government, our public schools, our private schools, and our universities.
If there is no truth, there is no God. Progressivism claims there is no God except government, and that people of faith who believe in God are a menace to the proper functioning of society.
These tenets are the foundation of Progressivism. There is one other false narrative in use every single day which is perhaps the most dangerous of them all:
“The end justifies the means.”
If you wonder why our media almost never tell the truth, and refuse to report on many important stories every day, you can understand their behavior in light of these three false narratives. If indeed the end justifies the means, literally no behaviors are proscribed that will help in accomplishing the goals of progressivism.
I am confident that you can find numerous examples of people in public life who play fast and loose with the truth. In fact, it seems to be a primary modus operandi of the Progressives. Those involved in the many Progressive assaults upon our institutions and our families do not tell the truth about their motives, about the nature of their campaigns, or about their objectives. To do so could make it much more difficult to achieve their goal, which is usually accomplished through subversion, manipulation, and disinformation. Bringing the truth about their objectives into the light of day could arouse the populace against them.
Bill Gates is one such Progressive who feels free to conceal his motives in this manner. Who would have thought that through his “noble and generous” funding of work on vaccines that he would make sure ingredients were inserted that would sterilize thousands of women and bring serious illness and death to so many, particularly in 3rd World nations?
Similarly, who would have thought that Dr. Fauci would use your tax dollars to hire the Chinese Communists to utilize gain-of-function research in order to develop a highly infectious virus? Such research is illegal, which is why it was conducted outside the orders of the United States.[1]
And what about George Soros, who in addition to numerous other anti-American activities has handsomely funded the political campaigns of very progressive, soft-on-crime district attorneys throughout the United States? At a time when Americans are desperately in need of proper and responsive law enforcement and a properly functioning judicial system, how can our justice system function properly when Soros is working to greatly reduce arrests, indictments, prosecutions, and guilty verdicts?
And then we have the thousands of Americans who got heavily involved in the campaign to remove President Donald Trump and, when they succeeded, bragged about it. They boasted about having “saved democracy.” never realizing that America is not a democracy, nor that bringing about significant alterations to our voting system will severely damage our “democracy.”[2]
Let’s sum up.
If you are a Progressive you believe that there is no truth, and you believe no other civilization in history has anything to teach us. Because you consider yourself part of the elite, those 1% who only are fit to rule, and if you believe the end justifies the means, what can’t you do to advance your agenda? You have abandoned all standards of truth, integrity, decency, morality, and good faith to push an agenda that is a pack of lies from beginning to end – and you will use any and all means, legal, illegal, dishonest, and immoral, to bring about that agenda.
Critical race theory is a “great leap forward[3]” in the advancement of false narratives. However, it is not the first assault on K-12 public education in America, however. Our children and grandchildren have already been inundated by recruitment into homosexuality, the promotion of Islam, false history with the 1619 Project, teaching of gender confusion, sex education as early as kindergarten, and much more. Is it any wonder that the SAT and the ACT both had to be rewritten for children who had been so poorly taught? What does it mean for our future if children do not develop essential motor skills they learn when they are taught cursive writing? What happens when they are not taught logic, the multiplication tables, critical thinking, or personal responsibility? How can they hope to understand much of anything if many of them cannot find the United States on a map of the world?
CRT is a vital part of the Progressive agenda. Implementing CRT throughout the country will turn children against their parents. It will cause them to hate themselves and their country. It will further divide white from everything else, and it will advance the massive enlargement of our surveillance state
A fight we can win
Loudoun County, Virginia became the initial flashpoint for protest against CRT. Parents there became concerned and upset when they learned that their children were being indoctrinated with CRT and other false and dangerous teachings. The situation quickly escalated when parents who showed up at school board meetings to protest was going on in the schools. After several parents were arrested, the head of the school board actually contacted the Justice Department in Washington. The Attorney General of the United States initially agreed that such parents should be labeled domestic terrorists, simply because they wanted to have an influence on what their children were being taught. He authorized the FBI to investigate the parents.
The Attorney General has since backpedaled in light of the uproar he fomented, but the damage has been done. A wake-up call has been issued to the American people that our children are not legally ours, but are wards of the state. If we allow this to happen, the Progressives will have taken a major step in bringing full-blown Socialism to this country.
This, then, is the fight we must win. Our public education system must be significantly changed from what it is today. Tens of thousands of dedicated teachers are now prohibited from teaching the truth to our children, while those teachers (and the huge National Education Association, the NEA) are pushing hard to see that this indoctrination takes place.
What needs to be done? Let’s list some steps:
1. Identify how CRT, gay rights, gender confusion, and Islam, among other things, are being taught in our K-12 classrooms. Expect lies and misdirection in your research. Powerful forces are lined up behind these teachings, and the fight will go on for years to come. Progressives don’t quit. If they cannot accomplish something one way they will try others. If they are defeated once they will be back.
2. Talk with other parents in your school district, and find out what they know and whether they approve. Most parents have no idea of what and how their children are being taught.
3. Working with like-minded parents and others, develop a plan of action to restore K-12 public education to what it used to be and should be today. It will probably be important to create and implement several strategies simultaneously.
4. Present, as a group, your findings to the school board. Be polite and inquire as to what made them decide to allow these teachings in your school district. Expect resistance, stonewalling, and disavowal from these elected officials.
5. Identify people in the local community who are willing to run for school board and replace those who promote CRT. Their campaign for office will be part of your movement to reform the school system.
6. Find out what others are doing in other school districts.
7. Learn about and get involved in organizations that can help, such as the Family Research Council, No Left Turn in Education, Parents Defending Education, Moms for Freedom, and Fight for Schools, among others. We are not alone in this vital effort!
8. If the community has a newspaper, submit a steady stream of well-written letters to the editor. Use the local Facebook page and other online resources to spread the word. Hold rallies and invite everyone to help out.
9. Keep your Congressman in the loop, as well as your state representatives. A brief, regular newsletter will help.
10. Hold fundraisers to raise money for the campaign. This will get others involved. Don’t exclude anyone who is not a parent or grandparent.
11. Urge the school board to eliminate all Federal funding and replace the needed revenues by other means. The average school district receives 5% of its funding from the federal government; however, there are certain projects like Special Education that are paid for by Washington in addition to regular school funding.
12. One objective is to bring the community together. Almost all of us are sensitive to the needs of our children, and understand the importance of a proper education. By creating awareness of these Progressive campaigns we can strengthen our families and our communities by sharing the responsibility to see that things are done properly.
What about the Constitution Party?
The CP needs, among other things, good candidates, name recognition, dedicated members, significant funding, and a close connection to local communities across the country. What better way to develop all of these things than by getting involved in the anti-CRT effort? CRT is more than a violation of our rights under the Constitution; it is a substitute for and a counterfeit of truth that strikes at that heart of what makes America great.
I believe that our judges and elected officials have completely failed us. They got us into this mess, and we cannot turn to them to get us out. They are part of the elite, and they benefit handsomely at our expense.
America will become great again if and when We, the People do our part. The Founding Fathers hoped and believed that the American people would feel so blessed by the freedom and opportunity available to them that they would educate themselves and work and act in good faith in defense of our Constitution. It’s very late in the day for America. We must now step up and take responsibility for ourselves, our families, and our communities or we will lose everything we hold dear.
If you are a member or a leader in the Constitution Party, if you have on occasion contributed financially to the Party, or if you have simply sat back and watched things unfold, please think about becoming actively involved. Consider organizing and conducting a weekly or bi-monthly Constitution Party meeting, to which parents and grandparents with children in K-12 public (and private) schools have been invited. The CP sponsors the meeting, but this is a work meeting, not a lecture or a class. We will be working with the community to bring about positive change. The CP leaders work with the organizations I have listed above, as well as others, and through the sharing of resources and the involvement of parents we can accomplish great things.
How many parents want their children to grow up honest, decent, moral, and upright? We can help them to realize exactly that vision – and save our country in the process.
As we invite, meet, and speak with members of our communities we will identify parents who are troubled over their children’s future, potential candidates for local school boards, prospective CP members, potential candidates for positions in the CP, potential candidates for other public offices, and people willing to serve in any capacity to reverse these devastating trends. We will help awaken all Americans to our plight and show them how, if they will take part, we can ultimately restore our freedoms and put America back on the path intended by the Founding Fathers.
We must be people or integrity, faith, integrity, and devotion to the cause of freedom. Such attributes are contagious when expressed publicly. Not all Americans have abandoned these attributes and beliefs; most of them have simply forgotten how important they are in our daily lives. The Constitution Party can lead the way in restoring those values and principles. In so doing it can grow into a formidable force in the political arena at all levels of government.
We must do what the Republican Party will not. We must stand in full opposition to Progressivism and the Leftist leanings of the Democratic Party. We must exemplify true principles, and actively promote the truth.
I don’t believe we are doomed to fail. Instead, I believe that we have been less than fully engaged, and we have not been “singing from the same sheet of music.” If we were unified as a Party – as the one and only Constitution Party, the political party that defends the original Constitution first, last, and always -we would succeed. Just remember that freedom is never free or permanent; it requires our active defense every single day.
This is a battle we can win. This is a battle we must win.
For more information, please visit my cwk2020.com website. Under the Links tab you will see the section entitled For Parents and Children, which will take you to any of several worthwhile organizations.
While on the website, please also click on What is Progressivism?, How Can I help Save America?, and The Assault on Education for more information.
If you haven’t read my books The Patriot’s Guide to Taking America Back and Will You Help Save Your Country?, please read them now. If you don’t own a copy, please contact Brigham Distributing at 435-723-6611 or look for them on eBay. I have some copies in stock here in my office; you may also contact me at ckraut1@gmail.com about receiving copies.
[1] The United States government frequently conducts research in other countries where said research is either illegal, immoral, or reprehensible. See Naomi Klein’s fascinating book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism for more examples.
[2] See The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election, Time Magazine, February 15, 2021 for an extensive article on the mostly legal but largely inappropriate aspects of the conspiracy.
[3] In case you miss the reference, I refer to Mao Tse Tung’s “Great Leap Forward,” his first disastrous move to reshape China into a Communist dictatorship. This program lasted from 1958 to 1962. Between 15 and 55 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s campaign.
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