Judicial Watch. This nonprofit organization is at the forefront in fighting corruption in America. In fact, much of what Judicial Watch (JW) is doing ought to be done by our Justice Department – but it isn’t.
JW has been relentless in bringing one lawsuit after another against Hillary Clinton’s corruption and mishandling of sensitive information while serving as Secretary of State and for her role in obtaining the Steele dossier, the phony document the Democrats used to impeach President Trump.
JW is getting as close as anyone ever has in bringing the Obama Administration to justice over its conspiracy to destroy President Trump and get him put out of office. JW has also been very active in suing to force states to clean up their voter roles and remove millions of ineligible names, They are also working to ensure that legislation that protects our election security is upheld at every polling place in America.
Judicial Watch is worthy of your support. The updates they provide on their work, daily, weekly, and monthly, in print, via download, and via video, are unprecedented.
Click here to visit the Judicial Watch website: Judicial Watch
The American Conservative Union. “Founded in 1964, ACU is one of the first groups established to advocate for conservative issues. They are also the host of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which each year sets the conservative agenda for those lobbying Washington. As stated on their website, ACU's primary concerns are liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and a strong national defense.“
Click here to visit the ACU website: American Conservative Union
Eagle Forum. “You can “fly with the Eagles” by joining the most effective national organization of 80,000 men and women who share conservative and pro-family values. We have faith in God and in America, and hope in the future, based on freedom and opportunity for all..
Click here to visit the Eagle Forum website: Eagle Forum
ProEnglish. “ProEnglish is the nation’s leading advocate of official English. We work through the courts and in the court of public opinion to defend English’s historic role as America’s common, unifying language, and to persuade lawmakers to adopt English as the official language at all levels of government.”
Click here to visit the ProEnglish website: ProEnglish
Citizens Against Government Waste. “Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more than one million members and supporters nationwide. CAGW's mission is to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in government. Founded in 1984 by the late industrialist J. Peter Grace and syndicated columnist Jack Anderson, CAGW is the legacy of the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, also known as the Grace Commission.
“The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is the lobbying arm of CAGW. The CCAGW mission is to advocate the elimination of waste and inefficiency in government through nonpartisan public education programs and lobbying activities. Each year, CCAGW tabulates its Congressional Ratings, evaluating how each member of Congress measures up on key tax and spending votes.”
Click here to visit the CAGW website: Citizens against Government Waste
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives. “Founded in 2017, Virginia Constitutional Conservatives is dedicated to the founding principles of our great American Republic. We are dedicated to defending the principles of individual liberty, Constitutional government, free markets, and sound currency. As Americans, we inherited from our ancestors a glorious tradition of freedom and resistance to oppression.
“Our country has long been admired by the rest of the world for her revolutionary example of liberty and prosperity—a light shining in the darkness of tyranny. But many Virginians today are frustrated. The political choices they are offered give them no real choice at all. For all their talk of “change,” neither major political party as presently constituted challenges the status quo in any serious way. Neither wants to make the reductions in government that our crushing debt burden demands. Neither will aggressively defend your God given rights as enshrined in our Constitution.
“Our state is going bankrupt, and none of these sensible proposals are even on the table. We believe that freedom is an indivisible whole, and that it includes not only economic liberty, but civil liberties and privacy rights as well. Our state is ailing. That is the bad news. The good news is that the remedy is so simple and attractive: a return to the principles our Founders taught us. Legalize the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, and sound money.”
To view their website click here: Virginia Constitutional Conservatives
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